During the purchase, check the box called “Chcę otrzymać fakturę” and then fill in all the fields and complete the purchase.

The invoice will then be sent to the e-mail address used during the purchase. It should appear in your inbox within 24 hours.

Sometimes, messages from us may be redirected to different folders in your mail client (i.e Spam, Notifications, Offers). If you did not get your invoice within 24 hours, try checking there.

If this does not help, please mail us at kontakt@empikbilety.pl. Please include the ticket code/order number in the message.

Please remember to enter your invoice details correctly. After you receive an invoice, there is no way for us to change the data. In such a case, in accordance with Polish law, the buyer must append a “corrective note” (nota korygująca) to the document.

Caution: We would like to inform you that in accordance with the amendments to art. 106b paragraph 5-7, art. 109a of the 11th March 2004 act on tax on goods and services (Ustawa o podatku od towarów i usług), consolidated text: Dziennik Ustaw from 2018, pos. 2174; last changes in Dziennik Ustaw from 2019, pos. 2200 & art. 15 of the 4th July 2019 act on amending the act on tax on goods and services and some other acts (Ustawa o zmianie ustawy o podatku od towarów i usług oraz niektórych innych ustaw), Dziennik Ustaw from 2019, pos. 1520, when the box "Chcę otrzymać fakturę" is not checked in the moment of purchase, the seller is not obliged to issue a VAT invoice to the buyer.